Projects The Shard Teighmore/Mace Group 2007-2012 Construction environmental management, specialist noise, vibration and air quality services. This included the demolition of Southwark Towers and the construction of the tallest building in London notably 306m (72 storeys), comprising offices, a hotel, residential units and public viewing galleries. The construction was extremely challenging both in terms of the time frame and potential impacts given the sensitive nature of the receptors in close proximity. Given these circumstances the outcomes achieved were remarkable the most notable being that key stakeholders were “underwhelmed” by the works and significant disruption to London Bridge Station, Guy’s Hospital and Borough Market was avoided. We ultimately secured 24/7 working for Mace with no material adverse environmental impacts. Statutory Nuisance Policy and Practice Defra 2008-2013 Technical adviser, statutory nuisance. Temple provided technical advice on statutory nuisance including noise, artificial light, odour, dust, and insects. The commission included technical guidance for local authorities as well as the contract management and oversight of a number of external research projects circa £5-10m/year contributing to government policy.We also addressed parliamentary questions and supported inter-departmental advisory work on behalf of Defra. Temple helped draft National Policy Statements and a series of technical guidance documents including Odour Guidance and Environmental Permitting Guidance. HS2 HS2 Ltd Phase 1: 2009 -2012 Phase 2: 2011-Ongoing Appraisal of sustainability Temple (with Booz and ERM on Phase 1 and RSK for Phase 2) led sustainability performance as part of early route development.This required a bespoke methodology which was developed in house and known as the ‘Sort Tool’ based on strategic appraisal techniques including SEA and WebTAG. The appraisal process led to reports which were used for public consultation and in the EIA.Temple personnel attended over 100 consultation road shows. The AoS process demonstrated its robustness in withstanding legal challenges, including the HS2 Judicial Review culminating in a project supportive Supreme Court ruling in January 2014. Nigel Follows Mace At all times they have been very helpful, professional and proactive. Defra We are pleased to be working with them due to their professionalism and knowledge and their interpersonal skills.They are easy to work with and are open-minded and friendly. Tanya Burdett HS2 Ltd Temple’s in depth knowledge of the various processes ... their ability to work well and effectively with a wide range of interested parties including statutory authorities was important in HS2 Ltd meeting its first milestone.