Barking Riverside Barking Riverside Ltd 2015-2016 EIA, ES and Sustainability Services This is one of the largest planning applications in the UK to build up to 10,800 new homes at the Barking Riverside site.The application for developing 173ha of former industrial land includes a variety of community and social facilities e.g. schools, health care, retail and business / employment opportunities. The completed development will raise the population in the Borough by circa 15%. Temple conducted an EIA with an accompanying ES and led a number of supplementary specialist studies to support the planning application, including the Sustainability Framework and Health Impact Assessment. Our in-depth understanding of the Scheme and planning system was invaluable during the negotiations to vary the existing consent. MeridianWater London Borough of Enfield 2015-Ongoing Strategy Development and Change Management Temple developed the Regeneration Framework for this £2.5bn redevelopment scheme comprising 83ha and transforming the most deprived ward in the capital to a prosperous city region, creating opportunities for local people and attracting businesses on a global scale. It is the largest regeneration project in the borough creating up to 8,000 new homes and 3,000 new jobs. Temple’s role involved addressing deprivation across the site to achieve the Council’s aims whilst presenting an attractive prospect for investment by a development partner. As part of a Change Management agenda we explored how environmental value and resilience, sustainable infrastructure and design, education and skills and digital, mobility and connectivity could underpin business growth and a new community, culture and healthy living.The approach brought together stakeholders from across the Council and within the local community. Crossrail 2 Transport for London 2015-Ongoing Environmental design management, EIA and specialist topics, GIS constraints analysis, environmental guidance and advice, sustainability services. Crossrail 2 is planned to deliver 200,000 homes and to add £102bn to the UK economy. It is the next major rail infrastructure programme in the South East due to be delivered by the early 2030s.Temple is working in partnership with Mott MacDonald, ERM andWSPIParsons Brinkerhoff (“MTEW”) to deliver the EIA and ES. Currently we are engaged on an environment and sustainability route options appraisal working with engineering design teams and Network Rail. We are also advising on policy and related matters and providing communication and consultation support.